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Миллионер, один из самых успешных молодых трейдеров в мире

16.09.2019 21:19:17

Too many people message me every day claiming they want my help to get rich, but they have NO IDEA how obsessed they’ll have to be in order to actually make it happen! I literally have my laptop with me EVERYWHERE I go and I’ve been known to pull my car over to the side of the road just to make a trade...I even missed my college graduation to make a trade and I made several thousand dollars! So, how dedicated of a student will you be? Not even just making trades, but how many hours per day are you willing to study my guides/video lessons/webinars? My top students have put in 14-17 hour days EVERY DAY and I’ve even had a few of my students’ wives message me saying their husbands spend so much time with me that they’re sick of hearing my voice! You think I’m joking, but I’m not, to be truly successful you have to HUSTLE HARDER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED...so if you’re willing to do that and want me to speed up your learning curve leave a comment below and DM me, otherwise go watch a reality show, play Fortnite or Netflix and chill! #workfromanywhere #laptoplifestyle #hebrewheaven

13.09.2019 04:15:22

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Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES THIS ANIMAL CRUELTY MUST STOP RIGHT NOW! Please share this post with your followers and tag people, celebrities and news media who need to see it to help us spread awareness of how poorly animals are being treated here in India! This is a tragic video of an antelope being buried alive after locals killed 299 other antelope as punishment for damaging their crops. No different than elephants, these animals are just hungry and because their homes are disappearing due to deforestation, they’re forced to look for food elsewhere, so they turn to the local’s crops. If we as a society can lessen deforestation and prioritize the lives of animals and their homes, we can stop this inhumanity killing from every happening again - please share this video with your followers and tag people who need to see it and let’s work together to get the word out about this worldwide epidemic! #savetheantelope #endanimalcruelty #karmagawa

10.09.2019 20:07:26

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I love meeting my students @anthonysimas in person and we can all learn so much from Anthony’s crazy but ultimately uplifting story

07.09.2019 02:25:25

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Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES THIS ANIMAL CRUELTY MUST STOP RIGHT NOW! Please share this post with your followers and tag people, celebrities and news media who need to see it to help us spread awareness of how poorly elephants are being treated in India! This is a photo of an elephant calf set on fire. This pic shows a people throwing firebombs, which are fire-soaked balls of tar, and crackers at the elephants to send them away from a human settlement which was nearby. The heat from the fire harmed their delicate skin as mother and child attempt to run away from people. In this, the mother elephant closed her ears as she was scared and wanted to ignore the crowd. Behind her, her calf baby screams in confusion and fear as the fire burns at her feet. Picture Credits: Biplab Hazra #savetheelephants #endanimalcruelty #karmagawa

05.09.2019 00:20:52

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Repost from @karmagawa We must all do what we can to help those in need so here are our co-founders @badboi and @timothysykes announcing $40,000 in donations from The Karmagawa Foundation to @earthalliance and @rainforestalliance to help curb deforestation and fight fires in the rainforest in South America and to @wckitchen and @teamrubicon that are already on the ground helping many individuals and families affected by Hurricane Dorian down in the Bahamas. Each charity will receive $10,000 from us to help further the incredible work they’re doing and we encourage you to check them out and donate to them too because while our planet is facing a great many challenges right now, we believe we can truly make the world a better place by working together and hard-working organizations like these do so much good so they deserve all the support they can get! Please keep sharing our videos/posts to help us spread awareness about these important issues to get more people involved and let’s use our social media platforms to change the world! #teamwork #newdonations #karmagawa

03.09.2019 01:45:56

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Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES Today is #laborday which celebrates workers, but also union affiliation in which people with a common interest work together to achieve a specific goal, usually for higher wages and better treatment from their employers, but in the case of this sad video exposing a barbaric practice happening in China, we ask you, our now 600,000+ person strong Karmagawa community, people with good hearts who desire to make this world better, to work together to alert everyone about this blatant animal cruelty so we can end this practice once and for all! Share it on Instagram, email it, text it, WhatsApp it, Tweet it, send this clip to EVERYONE you know and tell them to share it too! Many already know this issue and are disgusted like we are, but unlike trying to save #endangeredspecies like rhino, elephants and whales or to #endplasticpollution before it destroys our environment where there are no easy solutions, the fight to end the sale of these live animal keychains can be won quickly, but only when enough people are made aware of this and we all stand together to demand it be stopped RIGHT NOW! So, please share this video with your followers, tag people who need to see it like celebrities, news media and all your friends and family because if we this goes viral like the Amazon rainforest crisis, then media will cover it and inevitably political leaders will be forced to make legal changes banning this inhumane practice. This might not be a threat to our planet like the rainforests or climate change, but it is crucial that we humans not lose our humanity as that’s what makes us great. We must treat the animals that we share this planet with better so let’s start by demanding China ban the sale of live animals keychains! #savetheturtles #endanimalcruelty #karmagawa

28.08.2019 20:33:57

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WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES IT’S HAPPENING AGAIN! Repost from @savethereef @karmagawa and @hugoclementk Yesterday, shooting for @francetvslash , I had one of the most difficult moments of my professional life. With @victor_peressetchensky and @seashepherdfrance we witnessed the killing of around 100 pilot whales in the Faroe Islands, the autonomous province of Denmark. These ultra-social and very gentle animals are protected by the Bern Convention on Wildlife. The Faroese eat dolphin meat and defend a tradition called "Grindadrap", which allowed their ancestors to survive in a hostile climate. Today, their supermarkets are full of food of all kinds, the population does not lack anything, but the dolphin hunting persists anyway. On average, 800 cetaceans are killed each year in the Faroe Islands. A few days ago, I plunged alongside @guillaumenery with pilot whales in the Mediterranean...They had been so curious, so welcoming. Complete report to follow in a few weeks - WE MUST END THIS ANIMAL CRUELTY NOW! Please share this important post and help the world see what’s happening here as once we spread enough awareness and there is enough public outcry then barbaric traditions like this will stop once and for all. Please share this post with your followers and tag people, celebrities and news media that need to see it and let’s get the word out to stop this cruelty from happening in the future! #endanimalcruelty #savethewhales #savethedolphins #karmagawa

27.08.2019 22:37:54

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I just had the most epic helicopter ride of my life thanks to the man @bradleyfriesen who landed perfectly on this rock overlooking this incredible lake. Of course, I had my laptop with me, testing out the new @stockstotrade software, but swipe right to see some of the crazy piloting skills Brad has and realize 3 things - 1.) you can do extraordinary things once you dedicate years/decade to your craft, as Brad has 27 years of experience so he can do things that newbie pilots can’t, no different than how second nature stock trading is to me now after 21 years in the market 2.) the world is SUCH an incredible place, you owe it to yourself to get out and explore more as it’s not just about luxury, Mother Nature is breathtaking/awe-inspiring and 3.) sadly, we need to do a MUCH better job protecting our planet as there are many serious issues like the wildfires burning all over the world right now, decimating our precious forests that produce oxygen and protect us from climate change. Sadly, our political leaders aren’t taking these threats seriously because it’s more expensive in the short-term to do so which is bad for current politicians looking to stay in power, but the long-term consequences for our society, and our children are much more costly/horrifying so we MUST prioritize our planet’s well-being RIGHT NOW before it’s too late in a few years…go follow @karmagawa and @savethereef to learn more and share everything we post too to help us spread awareness! It’s insane that the Brazilian President only sent in troops to deal with the rainforest wildfires after enough international/media pressure and now he’s rejected $20+ million in aid due to the French President insulting him. We cannot continue to allow these egomaniacs ruin our future, when we make important issues like this go viral, we can actually change the world as social media, when used correctly, is a lot more influential than most people realize so I encourage you to join us! #laptoplifestyle #workfromanywhere #jewswithviews

26.08.2019 05:31:30

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Repost from @karmagawa Here’s a map of every fire in South America right now…it’s not just Brazil, but also Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Paraguay too! And there are also still wildfires burning in Siberia, Indonesia, Alaska and in so many more forests all over the world. The one piece of good news is that thanks to this crisis going viral on social media and finally being featured in the press, Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has been forced to cave to international pressure and has deployed 44,000 troops from the country’s military to fight the Amazon fires. Unfortunately, he’s not announcing any concrete measures to fight deforestation and has actually worked to roll back federal rainforest protections in pursuit of a pro-business agenda, and has been openly dismissive of the rights of the peoples who live inside the forest. The future of Brazil and of life everywhere on the planet is being destroyed as too many people sit back and do nothing! Our forests, which are vital in keeping our climate stable and producing oxygen for us to breathe, are being destroyed faster than at any other time in history. We"re already in a #climateemergency so we cannot afford to make the situation any worse! The fires that are devastating the Amazon are also destroying Brazil"s image internationally. Even the agribusiness sectors are already admitting that the government"s anti-environmental policies can bring economic damage. Please keep sharing these images and posts to #savetheamazon with your social media followers and keep tagging people, celebrities and news media that need to see it as it’s crucial that we all help by spreading awareness and keeping the world’s attention focused on this urgent crisis as this is one battle we cannot afford to lose! #savetheforest #teamwork #karmagawa

20.08.2019 23:02:35

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Repost from @karmagawa @mikeholston The AMAZON RAINFOREST has been burning for 3 weeks.....WTF! We are on the verge of losing it completely if the fire isn’t put out soon! The loss of trees, the loss of biodiversity is what is accelerating climate change...and yet nobody is saying a word! Nobody is doing anything for our largest rainforest in the world! Nobody is doing anything for some of the most beautiful people in the world, nobody is doing anything for the incredible animals there either! Mother Nature is angry with us…so we all need to wake up ASAP before we suffer some major consequences due to our irresponsible behavior and inaction so spreading awareness to everyone RIGHT NOW is crucial to saving the rainforest from destruction! News/media outlets are quick to cover political controversy and negative stories, but won’t talk about this urgent issue so we must all use our social media platforms and send them this post and when they get enough emails, DMs and messages about this story they will be FORCED to cover it and then the world will finally see what’s happening RIGHT NOW! Please share this post with any news media you follow and with ALL your followers and tell them to share it too…let’s all do what we can to get the word out ASAP and it’s also important to pray for Brazil too WE MUST SAVE THE RAINFOREST BY WORKING TOGETHER!! #prayforbrazil #prayforamazonia #savetherainforest #karmagawa

20.08.2019 18:45:00

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Even while I’m in paradise I’m proud to teach every day so here I highlight some of my most dedicated students who are learning and profiting too. My student of the week Tessa is so dedicated she was even studying my videos in the hospital just before her cancer surgery, and practicing her trading afterwards (get better soon Tessa, I wish more students had that kind of dedication)! It’s truly an honor for me to teach so many amazing people and while I can’t guarantee profits, especially in an industry where 90% of people lose, I do guarantee that I will teach you EVERYTHING I’ve learned over the past 20+ years and my rules, lessons and patterns can only help increase your odds of success as I bring structure and planning to this industry that’s sadly full of gamblers, newbies, fakes and frauds. I’m not the best trader, but I have made $5+ million now (now I trade with a small account in order to teach while donating ALL my trading profits to my @karmagawa charity foundation) and I’m proud that my top student has now made more than me, turning $1,500 of his own money into $8+ million! And NOBODY has as much educational content as I do thanks to my top students who help me in delivering weekly live trading and Q&A webinars along with my 6,000+ video lesson library, 8,000+ blog posts on TimothySykes.com, daily watchlists, trade alerts, realtime chatroom commentary, DVD guides, software (please use @stockstotrade already!) and countless DMs that I ALWAYS answer personally (sorry I get behind on every now and then, but I always catch up!) I love it here in Italy because it’s an ideal timezone since the US stock market opens here in the afternoon so I’ve been sleeping until noon…a lot:) Tomorrow I head back to the US as I’m throwing out the first pitch at the Dodgers game on the 21st, my 2nd attempt as I failed miserably last time (I’ll post the funny/sad video in my story) so long story short I’m living the dream and if you follow your heart, focus on what you love and stay patient, you get rewarded over time and you can build your own dream life, not someone else’s which far too many people are doing these days due to lack of education! #ilovemyjob #jewswithviews

16.08.2019 19:38:14

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Flashback to my badass #officewithaview in Greece at @cavotagoosantorini a few days ago and I’m proud to say the wifi is strong there, not to mention the views, hospitality and food are also incredible! Even though I love traveling EVERYWHERE I still have a #nodaysoff approach to my stock trading and teaching because I will NEVER take what got me here for granted. I’ll always just be a small-town guy from Orange, Connecticut who is blessed to live my dream life thanks to two decades of hard work and dedication to my craft, and always trying to get better. I know it doesn’t look like true freedom for me to be on my laptop or phone while I visit all these beautiful places, but I actually choose this madness as I’ve made more than enough money to live very comfortably without working another day in my life - that’s why I’m SO proud to now donate millions of dollars to charity through my @karmagawa foundation - and I just REALLY love my job! PS In the 2nd picture, I didn’t actually drop my laptop, I was testing my reflex skills just in case I dropped it…that’s how meticulous I am with practicing EVERY aspect of trading/teaching/traveling process! So, if you want to learn from me, how dedicated of a student will you be? Will you be obsessive down to the very last detail? Or will you be lazy like too many people in this world would dream of becoming a millionaire, but won’t put in the ridiculous time and effort required to actually make it happen? You tell me as I’m looking for truly dedicated students ONLY! #laptoplifestyle #workfromanywhere #jewswithviews #jewsatcavotagoo

13.08.2019 21:32:24

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It’s been an incredible few days being back in my favorite town in the world, Positano, Italy at my favorite hotel @villafrancapositano which not only has amazing views and delicious Italian food, but also they literally have the fastest wifi of ANY hotel or villa that I’ve ever been to in Italy so I’m alternating between climbing up hundreds of steps at a time in this magical town while also working away daily with a truly #nodaysoff attitude, finding all the best stocks thanks to @stockstotrade and giving live 2-hour weekly trading and Q&A webinars to my Trading Challenge students (click the link in my bio to apply, but be ready to study your ass off, true education is a marathon, NOT a sprint aka lazy people and I DO NOT GET ALONG)! I’m also very proud to announce my charity @karmagawa is donating $10,000 to @world_animal_protection in honor of #worldelephantday yesterday as sadly these majestic animals are being killed/enslaved at incredible rates like at no other time in history so we must do EVERYTHING possible to save them from extinction which they’re sadly set for in the next decade or so at the current rate if nothing is done. This $10k donation is just the start as we are planning some ambitious projects to truly help to #savetheelephants so stay tuned as big things have small beginnings…I know I’m throwing a lot of information together in this post, but welcome to my life, I’m an insane multitasker and I wouldn’t have it any other way as we only have one life so it’s our duty to live the absolute best and most interesting life possible and to also help the planet before it’s too late in a few years! #ilovemyjob #workfromanywhere #laptoplifestyle #jewswithviews

09.08.2019 21:36:15

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Repost from @savethereef You might be tempted to laugh at this video of a walrus doing sit-ups for a crowd of tourists until you consider the harsh training required to make this keystone species in Arctic marine ecosystems do the sit-ups as trainers withhold their food until the trick is performed for the paying public. What’s even sadder is that the Pacific walrus population is estimated to have dropped 60% in the last few decades and research shows they are very sociable, interacting with each other more than any other type of animal! So, now look at this video in a different light as this borderline endangered species is forced to perform simply in order to eat, all alone and cutoff from other walruses, which is completely the opposite of how this beautiful creature would normally live out in the wild. Please share this video and help us spread awareness to educate more tourists so they don’t support shows like this anymore! #savethewalrus #emptythetanks #karmagawa #savethereef

05.08.2019 23:53:01

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Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES This happened a few days ago in South Korea where the person in the video stated that was he abusing his dog to get increased likes on his YouTube account…SERIOUSLY! Unlike China, South Korea has laws against animal abuse, and this person should be arrested and the dog taken from him, but sadly as of now this individual still has possession of the pup, and no action has been taken. But aside from the court of law, there’s also the court of public opinion and we want EVERYONE to be made aware that this kind of animal abuse has no place in society today so please share this truly sickening video with your followers, tag people in the comments who need to see it and help us warn others/spread awareness about this blatant animal abuser so this individual, and all others like him, will think twice before they dare abuse any animal again! Thanks for the head’s up @animalhopeandwellness #endanimalcruelty #endanimalabuse #karmagawa

04.08.2019 21:23:47

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Repost from @savethereef For the past decade, people in China have been keeping live fish, turtles and other amphibians as souvenirs on their keychains. These plastic bag charms are sold for $1-2 each and there’s just enough oxygen and nutrients in the bag to allow the animal to survive for a short time and then when the animals die a few days later, these charms are then simply thrown away in the trash. What’s sad is that China actually does have a Wild Animal Protection Law, But these animals are not wild and thus fall outside the scope of the law. We think this practice is disgusting and extremely unfair to these poor animals, but let’s see what you think...please leave a comment below, share this post with your followers and tag people who need to see it so we can begin working together to end this blatant animal abuse once and for all! #endanimalcruelty #savetheturtles #karmagawa #savethereef

26.07.2019 18:49:32

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Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES Detroit police officers shot and killed a poor dog while arresting his owner on two felony warrants for aggravated assault and domestic violence. The cops tasered the dog’s owner twice, but the tasers do not seem to affect him until he lets go of the leash at which point the dog barks at the police officers and they shot him 7 times with a taser. The police claim the dog was “coming towards the officer aggressively”, but to us it looks like the dog was just barking, protecting its owner and then trying to run away while he got shot. What do you think? We hate posting videos like this, but we MUST each do our part to share them to help prevent situations like from happening again and make police officers think twice before hurting innocent animals like this. It’s sadly too late for this poor dog, but please leave a comment below with your thoughts, and also share this video with your followers and tag people who need to see it and let’s use our social media to help protect dogs, and all innocent animals, from enduring painful deaths like this in the future! #endanimalcruelty #savethedogs #karmagawa

22.07.2019 19:20:47

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It’s been a truly enlightening few days here in #michigan hanging out with my top Midwest students @michaelkgoode @jackkellogg @dominicmastromatteo as we tried to determine why this part of the world creates so many damn great traders...stay tuned for some truly eye-opening videos as I think we figured it out and hopefully you can apply the lessons to help your own life/career too! And I also have to say that while the #midwest gets a bad rap from city folks, it’s been really nice to get away from my usual spots since I’ve been back in the US...thanks also to @tbohen for the hospitality when the power went out...a few times:) #midwestmeetup #workfromanywhere #jewfarming #jewdeere

17.07.2019 19:09:31

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Time flies when I’m having too much fun in Greece with my student @mikehuddie who just graduated college and has now made roughly $250,000 in the stock market so far...and more importantly is learning to take #laptoplifestyle photos just like me:) #ilovemyjob #workfromanywhere #faceappchallenge #theoldjewish

15.07.2019 21:52:28

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Today I made nearly $5,000 in trading profits, putting me solidly over the $5 million profit milestone, but I can’t help thinking back to my worst loss of $500,000+ which I share openly to help you learn from my mistakes! Trading, and life, is a journey and so we need losses, mistakes and failures along the way to teach us what not to do and these setbacks help mold us into who we’re meant to become. My big loss a decade ago REALLY crushed my confidence and that was EXACTLY what I needed because it helped complete my financial education, making me an infinitely more conservative and wiser teacher, trader and human being too so I’m eternally grateful for it! Great video @therealbrianrose #mondaymotivation #thepoorjewish

11.07.2019 22:26:21

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I took the #bottlecapchallenge with my own spin on it while I’m here in Greece with one of my top students @mikehuddie because over the last 20 years, more than 20 million bottle caps have been recovered during beach cleanups and an infinitely greater number of caps pollute our oceans, killing our precious marine life, so it’s important that we work to #endplasticpollution as soon as possible! I challenge my friends @samkolder @badboi and @kelv to post their own videos promoting #plasticfreejuly and to help @karmagawa with our newest project to @savethereef as we need EVERYONE working together to actually succeed! #therealbottlecapchallenge #saveouroceans #jewstacklingworldissues

10.07.2019 00:53:37

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Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES This is what the tragic rhino poaching crisis looks like as a starving one month-old baby rhino was recently filmed trying to suckle some milk from her dead mother who had been killed earlier by poachers for her horn. Usually the poachers kill the baby too despite them not having horns because they disturb the process of hacking off the parent’s horns as they cling to their parent...at least in this case the baby, who was named Lottie, survived. This is one of the saddest videos we’ve ever posted and we know it’s difficult to watch, but please do watch and share this video with your followers and tag people who need to see it in the comments too to help us spread awareness about this urgent crisis before the Rhino become extinct in just a few years at the current rate as 3 Rhino are killed on average every day! We at Karmagawa are proud to have donated $250,000 so far to help #savetherhino but we need EVERYONE to see how urgent this crisis has become so we appreciate you helping us get the word out before any more Rhino are killed by poachers and creating orphans like little Lottie! #endangeredspecies #rhino #karmagawa

05.07.2019 19:30:56

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I hope you’re having a great holiday week celebrating our nation’s independence, but sadly too few people have the freedom they deserve, wasting their lives away working for bosses they hate at jobs they hate and building someone else’s dreams instead of their own just so they can pay bills. I’m not here to brag, but to inspire because I am SO incredibly fortunate to live out my dreams of teaching, trading stocks and helping charities all over the world through @karmagawa ! Hopefully my insane #officewithaview here in Portugal helps motivate you to study harder whenever you can so you can get here too because I’m not that smart or good at math and I learned everything I know about the stock market on The Internet and now the learning curve is even faster now thanks to incredibly useful educational tools like @stockstotrade as this is a unique time in history where you can become an expert in whatever interests you the most literally from anywhere in the world. And over time you can also achieve financial and geographic freedom if you want it badly enough! Sure, sure some people will say I don’t have true freedom since I’m in this beautiful place working on my laptop and smartphone, but they forget I actually love my work and I’ve been to more than enough places just to relax - now I get a bigger thrill helping other people get to places like this whenever they want. Click the link in my bio to learn more and my apologies for being so far behind on answering too many DMs, but this weekend is my catch up time so hit me up and message me if you want me to learn…FUCK WORKING FOR OTHER PEOPLE AND WASTED POTENTIAL, THIS IS YOUR TIME IF YOU TAKE YOUR FUTURE SERIOUSLY AND PUT IN THE WORK TO EARN YOUR DREAM LIFE! #ilovemyjob #laptoplifestyle #jewswithviews

02.07.2019 00:41:32

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Repost From @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES We hate seeing videos like this of a worker hitting an elephant on his head at The Bukittinggi Zoo in Indonesia. So, why do we continue to post such sad videos? Because in order to stop this kind of blatant animal abuse, it’s crucial to spread awareness about when and where it happens so people know NOT to support establishments like this and before more elephants are injured or even killed due to abusive owners, neglect and poaching, all of which is decimating the species so much do that, we will remind you again and again, elephants are set to become extinct in the next decade or so! Please help us get the word out and tag people in the comments who need to see it and share this video with your social media followers, friends, family and unaware celebrities too as this kind of abuse happens at FAR too many zoos and “sanctuaries” and we must work together to expose it to prevent it from happening in the future! Do not visit The Bukittinggi Zoo or any other place that hits their elephants and please help us educate warn other tourists about the disgusting way they treat their animals! #savetheelephants #endangeredspecies #endanimalcruelty #karmagawa

28.06.2019 20:54:59

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Swipe right on this post to see how my priorities have recently changed as before I made charity my main focus in life, I just wanted to be rich, to travel, to take care of my family and buy the luxuries I’d dreamt about since I was a kid…after 20 years of hard work, I’ve accomplished it all so I proudly posted everything on social media LIKE A GIANT JACKASS! Now I laugh at my old posts and while I still believe in visual motivation - after all, my last 2 millionaire students only found me because they liked my cars that I posted on Instagram - now I believe social media should be used for something greater and that’s why my charity accounts @karmagawa and @savethereef post about critical world issues too few people know about. For example, after we showed the abuse baby bears go through to become circus animals, now tens of thousands of people no longer support circuses that abuse animals! And I am THRILLED that our new @savethereef documentary has over 2.5 million views in just 2 weeks since its premiere as people are learning about our marine life crisis that will soon be catastrophic if nothing is done. Sure, sure, doubters say it’s crazy to think that social media can solve anything in the real world, but I refuse to sit by and do-nothing and it’s my honor to support 30+ charities as @karmagawa has donated $4+ million to building 50+ schools, helping animals and now coral reefs too! And we’re just getting started so let me know what you think in the comments below…to truly solve the world’s most pressing issues we need EVERYONE working together so please also share this post with your followers and tag people who need to see this too as we will make this a better world TOGETHER! #karmagawa #savethereef #jewswithnewworldviews

25.06.2019 23:27:12

Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Тимоти Сайкса

Repost from @savethereef Here’s video of several starving polar bears looking for food in Russia because sadly #globalwarming is real and it’s forcing these poor bears to travel farther in search of food that’s sadly now lacking in their natural habitat. This crisis is real, it’s happening now and soon it won’t just be the polar bears suffering, it’ll be many more species including humans too so we must heed these warning signs to treat our environment better ASAP before it’s too late! Please share this video with your followers and tag people who need to see it in the comments to help us spread awareness NOW! Crazy video @dezabedrosky #climatechange #globalwarming #polarbears #karmagawa #savethereef

23.06.2019 23:16:08

Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Тимоти Сайкса

Repost from @savethereef WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES Sharks are being killed at an alarming rate all over the world, destabilizing marine ecosystems everywhere and now some people are using these poor creatures to smoke out of while playing the song “Baby Shark” in the background! The disrespect for this species demonstrated in this video is truly staggering and we NEED to do better before it’s too late in a few years when we will have realized that we took our marine life and oceans for granted due to our own lack of awareness. We post this video to show why we work so hard to educate people about marine life and our oceans so please share this video with your followers and tag people in the comments who need to see it! Let’s treat sharks, and all other marine species, better as they each play such pivotal roles in maintaining our oceans...they are NOT trophies nor should they ever be used like this again! #savethesharks #endanimalcruelty #karmagawa #savethereef

15.06.2019 23:52:42

Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Тимоти Сайкса

Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES Let’s year what you think about the largest undercover #dairy investigation in history that was recently released with video evidence documenting systemic and illegal abuse at Fair Oaks Farms in Indiana. #FairOaksFarms is one of the largest dairies in the U.S. and produces dairy products for the Fairlife milk brand - which is produced, marketed and distributed by the Coca-Cola Corporation. Undercover investigators from Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) confirmed abuse virtually on a daily basis and that male calves are in fact transported to veal farms (Midwest Veal and Calf Start), despite the corporation"s claims that it does not. ARM calls on the #CocaColaCorporation, which claims to have a progressive stance on #animalwelfare, to end their relationship with Fairlife Corporation and cut their ties with the veal industry. Video by @arminvestigations #endanimalabuse #arminvestigations #karmagawa

13.06.2019 18:19:36

Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Тимоти Сайкса

Repost from @savethereef WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES Tonight we premiere our @savethereef documentary as people must see how urgent it is that we take better care of our marine life and oceans. This horrific image of a pilot whale that had its tail mostly chopped off by a boat propeller off the coast of the Canary Islands should be a wake up call. Our marine life and oceans are suffering due to our carelessness and greed - we MUST CHANGE or face catastrophic consequences all within the next few years. Was this whale hit by a ship, a ferry or a pleasure boat? We will never know, but we have seen too many boats traveling at high speed through sensitive wildlife corridors. Only three people were there to hear the shrilling calls of pain and fear of this young whale. The photographer, the marine biologist and the wildlife veterinarian who were called to the scene were not able to help an animal with such a severe injury. All they could do was pull it out of the water and, with the kind of sorrow that can only be understood by people with enough empathy to do what they had to do, sedated it until it died. Sparing more unnecessary suffering to an animal with no chance of recovery was what they had to do. What the rest of us need to do is to become more engaged and care for our wildlife, oceans and limits is very difficult but it all begins with awareness and public pressure; the kind that demands that the voices of millions of people are heard. As angry and sad as this photo makes us, we are also extremely motivated to do something about it. We hope our @savethereef documentary inspires people around the world to treat our marine ecosystem better and to take action to push for laws that prevent this kind of tragedy from happening in the future. Join our fast-growing community by following @savethereef and @karmagawa and sharing this post with your followers and also tagging people who need to see it in the comments as change begins when we work together so please help us spread awareness and stay tuned for our documentary to be online for all to see and learn from tomorrow! Photo by @francisperez000 #saveourseas #karmagawa #savethereef

11.06.2019 04:24:05

Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Тимоти Сайкса

Repost from @karmagawa WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES Here’s a hunter posing with a rare black giraffe, which she killed in 2018. In 2018, an investigation uncovered that nearly 4,000 giraffe-derived trophies were imported in the U.S. over the last decade. She told CBS News that she made decorative pillows and a gun case out of the giraffe and she also ate some of its meat. She has shown absolutely no remorse for killing this beautiful creature. Hunting a giraffe is legal in South Africa if it has been pre-arranged with a game park. However, this story raises questions about giraffes being killed for trophies, especially given that there are less than 100,000 on the planet, and their population has decreased 40% in just the last 30 years. The controversial business of trophy hunting, in which hunters pay for permission to shoot rare animals, raises large amounts of money And it is often justified with claims about the funds being raised from hunters being put back into animal conservation. The big game industry in South Africa – from hunting to breeding to tourism – is worth $2 billion per year. What are your thoughts on this situation? Please share this post with your followers and let’s all have a civil discussion in the comments below as the world is what we make it! Repost from @natures #savethegiraffes #endextinction #karmagawa

06.06.2019 20:03:41

Официальный инстаграм аккаунт Тимоти Сайкса

Thank again to @londonrealtv for having me on their show, go to http://tim.ly/london to see the whole interview as I talk about everythingggg I’ve learned since I made my first million bucks roughly 20 years ago (which is insane to think about and makes me feel very old!) From finance, teaching, travel and charity to penny stocks, technology and the environment, I’m SO grateful to @therealbrianrose for asking such great questions and making our nearly 2-hour chat one of my all time favorite interviews! Definitely go to the YouTube Channel of @londonrealtv and watch my entire interview along with hundreds of other interviews and so many incredible inspirational stories and you’ll understand why it’s one of my favorite channels for learning from so many of the world’s top experts in just about every subject you can imagine. #londonreal #dailyinspiration #jewsinthenews

Услуги кредитных брокеров становятся все более востребованы в связи с высоким количеством отказов в выдаче кредита. Такие специалисты дают стоящую консультацию по финансовым вопросам, а также помогают взять денежные средства на более выгодных условиях.

Как правильно выбрать брокера?

Чтобы выбрать брокера, сотрудничество с которым будет плодотворным, воспользуйтесь следующими советами:

  1. Первое, на что стоит обратить внимание — это репутация и отзывы. Важный показатель — это наличие собственного сайта, где подробно описываются услуги. Плюсом будет также наличие на сайте формы обратной связи и документов, подтверждающих, что компания имеет право заниматься подобной деятельностью.
  2. Перед началом сотрудничества уточните у брокера какие услуги вам будут оказаны. Если вам обещают быстрый результат по исправлению кредитной истории, то, скорее всего, перед вами мошенники.
  3. Задавайте больше вопросов и внимательно читайте договор перед тем, как подписать его.
  4. Лучше всего заверить подписанный договор с вашим нотариусом, а не со специалистом, которого вам может предложить брокер.

Внимание: е сли брокер требует предоплату или не выполняет возложенные на него обязательства - подавайте в суд.

Что ожидать от брокера?

Кредитный брокер окажет вам следующие виды услуг:

  • оценка кредитного рейтинга клиента;
  • сбор и оформление всех необходимых бумаг;
  • подбор финансовой программы;
  • взаимодействие с банком;
  • расчет платежей;
  • помощь с оформлением заявки.

Брокер является посредником между вами и банком и его главная задача — оформление для вас займа на самых выгодных условиях. При отказе выдать вам кредит, брокер может обратиться в банковскую организацию самостоятельно и выяснить причины невозможности выдачи денежных средств.

Внимание: профессиональный финансовый работник знает массу комбинаций по выгодным предложениям и всегда подскажет нужный вариант.

Компетентный сотрудник легко выяснит кредитную историю своего клиента, оценит сильные и слабые стороны, поможет составить верные акценты, объяснит все подводные камни банковских финансовых программ, оформит все необходимые документы.

Давайте разберемся через какие этапы вам придется пройти при взаимодействии с брокером. После телефонной консультации пройдут следующие этапы:

  1. Сбор необходимых документов и визит в офис выбранной компании.
  2. Проверка документов менеджером организации.
  3. Работа с личным менеджером до закрытия сделки.
  4. Комплексный подбор финансовой программы исходя из информации предоставленной клиентом (документы, отчеты из кредитного бюро). Программа составляется учитывая пожелание обратившегося (ставки, сроки и прочие дополнительные условия).
  5. Заключение договора и отправление заявки на интересующий клиента банк.
  6. Если кредит одобрен, то оплата услуг брокера (процент у каждого индивидуален).

Внимание: у кредитного брокера не всегда получается «выбить» для вас кредит. Всегда существует вероятность того, что вы останетесь без желанного займа.

Какие брокеры в Москве самые надежные?

В Москве работают несколько десятков кредитных брокеры реально помогающие взять кредит. В таблице предоставлена 10-ка лучших кредитных брокеров и даны отзывы в виде основных преимуществ и недостатков, которые выделили пользователи. Давайте рассмотрим список самых надежных:

Брокер Достоинства Недостатки
МБК Кредит
Опытная компания, сотрудничающая со многими банками, быстрое оформление и небольшие проценты. Из службы поддержки банка могут позвонить и предложить дополнительные услуги.
Кредит Консалтинг Брокеридж
Сделки по потребительским займам, помогают правильно оформить налоговый вычет. Возможность получить кредит под залог автомобиля, недвижимости в течение дня (часа) и без залога. Долгая обработка онлайн-заявок.
ЦФК — Финанс
Большой выбор услуг, крупнейшие банки в партнерской программе. Есть возможность получения потребительского кредита без указания цели использования займа Сотрудничает только с теми, у кого удовлетворительная кредитная история.
Royal Finance
Оперативная помощь со всей документацией. На сайте компании есть тест для заемщика, который помогает быстро определить КИ. Небольшой опыт работы на рынке.
Финанс Кредит
Сотрудничают со всеми (физ. лица, ИП, ООО) помогают получить займ на любую сумму.

(+) Если кредит берется под залог то выдают за 1 час, так же есть возможно займа без залога

Если сделка сложная, берут больший процент.
МСК кредит
Помогает получить займ безработным или претендентам с испорченной кредитной историей. Сложности с обратной связью.
СЦК (Столичный цент кредитования)
Вознаграждение от 1,5 %. Высокий рейтинг по отзывам 4.7 по версии сайта Yell. Небольшой выбор банков партнеров.
Есть лицензия. Специалисты оформляют коммерческую и жилую ипотеку, займы для бизнеса. Доп. услуги — работа с лизингом и выкуп коммерчески непривлекательных активов. Работают не с каждой кредитной историей.
Самые подробные консультации по мере сопровождения. Работают с обратным факторингом. Возможность онлайн-заявки. Есть лицензия. Сумма кредита лимитирована. Помогают получить кредит в пределах средних сумм.
ССК (Служба Содействию Кредитования)
Один из самых крупных брокеров по РФ (работает в 13 регионах). Давно на рынке. Возможность отправки онлайн-заявки и оформления кредита по паспорту С просрочкой по предыдущим кредитам получить займ сложно.

Как видите, у каждого брокера есть свои особенности: если для вас важна оперативная обратная связь, то не стоит обращаться в «МСК Кредит», а если у вас не очень хорошая кредитная история, то при обращении в «ССК» и «ПрофФинанс» вам могут отказать в сотрудничестве.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Вопрос №1. Какие кредитные брокеры помогают взять кредит с просрочками?

Можно выделить следующих брокеров помогающих получение займа с открытыми просрочками:

  • МСК кредит (выдают до 30 000 руб. время рассмотрения 15 минут, нужен только пасспорт );
  • Доска частных объявлений кредитных брокеров Данный ресурс подходит если суммы займа находится в диапазоне от 300 000 до 5 000 000 руб. Также есть предложения для г. Москва и регионов.
  • Центральный брокерский дом (выдает займы по г. Москва и Московская область, сумма от 300 000 необходимость залога недвижимости). Работают с 25 банками, процент одобрения составляет 88%.

Вопрос №2. Где можно посмотреть отзывы кредитных брокеров?

Отзывы на деятельность брокеров можно посмотреть на сайте → yell.ru. Ниже представлены выдержки и мнения пользователей ⇓

Кредитное агентство – это компания, которая занимается выдачей кредитов населению или предпринимательским организациям. Отличие кредитных агентств от банков состоит в иных процентных ставках на , а также в различных условиях взятия кредита: кредитные агентства могут выдавать заемные денежные средства даже тем лицам, которые банк посчитал неблагонадежными и неплатежеспособными.

Функции кредитных агентств

Рассмотрим основные функции кредитных агентств, которые выделяет современная экономическая наука. Разумеется, первой функцией будет выдача займов населению или компаниям различного рода. Выделяются агентства трех типов: первые работают только с физическими лицами, вторые – только с юридическими, третьи – и с теми, и с другими. В зависимости от статуса должника, законы, регулирующие взятие кредита будут разными.

Вторая немаловажная функция кредитных агентств – консультация потенциального клиента по вопросам кредитования. В кредитных агентствах специально подготовленные сотрудники объясняют людям, желающим взять кредит, возможные условия оформления договоров, отвечают на вопросы о последствиях задержки выплат, дают исчерпывающие сведения о возможных льготах. Информирование повышает вероятность того, что не откажется взять кредит непосредственно в частной организации.

Третья функция любого кредитного агентства – проведение процедуры взятия кредита: агентство самостоятельно оформляет необходимые договоры, осуществляет функции посредника в случае трехсторонней кредитной операции (если заимодателем является не агентство, а стороннее лицо), обеспечивают выполнение оглашенных в договоре условий. В случае несоблюдения должником или кредитором условий сделки, либо (при двустороннем кредитовании) в случаях, когда должник нарушает свои обязательства, сотрудники кредитного агентства самостоятельно готовят обращение в суд.

Четвертая функция относится к макроэкономике – кредитные агентства повышают общую степень информированности населения об имеющихся финансовых возможностях. Благодаря юридической консультации, которую потенциальные клиенты получают в агентствах, повышается общий уровень финансовой грамотности населения. Многие экономисты отмечают важную роль этого процесса в благосостоянии экономики того или иного государства.

Кредитный брокер - это посредник между банком или другой кредитной организацией и заемщиком. Брокер работает за вознаграждение и оказывает помощь в получении кредита/займа на выгодных для клиента условиях. В условиях кризиса и ужесточения требования к потенциальным заемщикам, банки более лояльно относятся к клиентам, которых "приводят" брокеры-партнеры. Это понимают и сами заемщики, поэтому рынок посреднических услуг продолжает расти. Выбрать подходящего и честного брокера в таком многообразии достаточно сложно. Мы сделали подборку брокерских компаний Москвы, которые пользуются наибольшим доверием среди клиентов.

Проверенные кредитные брокеры Москвы:

МБК - брокерская компания, которая предоставляет помощь в получении кредита юридическим и физическим лицам. Основная деятельность организации заключается в консультации заемщиков и подборе оптимальный кредитных продуктов:

  • Кредиты наличными
  • Рефинансирование
  • Кредитные карты
  • Автокредиты
  • Залоговые займы
  • Ипотека
  • Проверка кредитной истории

Специфика работы организации заключается в "ребрендинге" клиента. То есть, брокер полностью проверяет клиента (КИ, документы, стаж работы, кредитная нагрузка, организация-работодатель и т.д.) В случае выявления каких-то проблем, брокер консультирует и подсказывает, что нужно доработать, а что исправить, чтобы 100% получить кредит.

Если говорить о вознаграждении, то оно варьируется от 1-3% и зависит от сложности задачи. Комиссия выплачиваются по факту получения наличных клиентом.

Брокер Кредитная лаборатория.

Кредитная Лаборатория - старейший кредитный брокер на рынке Москвы. Благодаря собственной автоматизированной системе проверки клиентов, специалисты Кредитной Лаборатории могут оценить шансы получения кредита онлайн, или по телефону. Если вы планируете получить кредит срочно, вам стоит обратиться именно сюда, так как именно этот кредитный брокер предлагает уникальную программу кредитования: Кредит наличными от 1 000 000 рублей под 21% годовых в рублях в день обращения. Второе направление деятельности это ипотечный брокеридж, благодаря скидкам на ставку банка они предлагают ипотеку на первичку под 8% и вторичку под 10% годовых в рублях без подтверждения доходов и с плохой кредитной историей.

Кредитный брокер Msk-money

Msk-money – кредитный брокер! Помощь в получении кредита в Москве и крупных городах России

На рынке брокерских услуг с 2016 года. Оказывает профессиональную помощь в выборе кредитных продуктов. Для этого прежде всего качественно проводит консультацию для своих клиентов. Никогда и не при каких обстоятельств не требует предоплату со своих клиентов. Действует строго согласно закону. Готовы помочь каждому, кто обратится. Основные направления: экспресс кредитования физических лиц, залог и ипотека. Комиссия после выполненной работы!

  • Экспресс кредит по паспорту за 1 час
  • Кредит под залог недвижимости за 1 день
  • Срочный выкуп в день обращения
  • Ипотека за 7 дней в Москве и Мо
  • Кредит для юридических лиц в течении 3 дней
  • Автокредитование в день обращения

Первый кредитный брокер

1-й кредитный брокер предоставляет профессиональный уровень услуг по кредитованию уже более 10 лет. В течение всего периода деятельности демонстрирует стабильность и высокий уровень профессионализма. Наш девиз – постоянное развитие. Мы никогда не стоим на месте и находим выход из любой сложной ситуации, именно поэтому мы надежные партнеры.

Специализируется на оказании помощи в получении кредита любого вида. С нами вы можете не переживать о чистоте сделки. Каждая заявка на кредит закреплена договором, предоплата и скрытые комиссии полностью отсутствуют. Является официальным кредитным брокером, оказывает помощь в получении кредита в Москве и Подмосковье физическим лицам, под различные цели в короткие сроки

Мы подберём для вас оптимальный кредитный продукт:

  • кредит наличными от 9.9% годовых
  • ипотечное кредитования от 9% годовых
  • рефинансирования
  • займ под обременения недвижимости
  • проверка кредитной истории

Финанс Кредит

Финанс Кредит - "бывалая" брокерская компания на этом рынке, предлагает частным и юридическим лицам помощь в получении займа на выгодных условиях (ипотека, экспресс-займы, потребительское кредитование без справок и подтверждения, автокредит, перекредитование, залоговые займы). Брокер скорее оказывает содействие в получении займа, выбивая более выгодные условия, нежели полностью ведет сделку от А до Я.

За свои услуги компания берет вознаграждение по факту получения денег клиентом, минимальная стоимость услуг начинается с 7% от суммы займа и зависит от сложности.

Royal Finans

Роял Финанс (Royal Finans) - оказывает консультационные услуги, помощь по подбору более выгодного кредита и оформлению документов. У этого брокера нет конкретной специализации и специалистов готовы помочь при оформлении любого вида займа, от экспресс-кредита по 1-му документу до ипотеки.

На сайте брокера есть интересный тест-скоринг, который определяет кредитный рейтинг потенциального заемщика с подробными пояснениями. Также компания оказывает консультационные услуги должникам банков, берет на себя полномочия представителя заемщика в общении с коллекторами и СБ банка, даже в суде, если потребуется. Своего рода антиколлекторское агентство и брокер в одном лице. Вознаграждение выплачивается клиентом только после получения займа.

МСК Кредит

МСК Кредит - брокерская компания, оказывающая услуги по консультации, подбору выгодных кредитных программ, помощи в оформлении документов и подачи их в банк. Получить помощь в МСК Кредит могут физические и юридические лица, которые хотят получить потребительский займ, ипотеку, кредит наличными без справок, заем под залог, автокредит, рефинансирование.

Отличительной особенностью этого брокера является помощь в заемщикам с испорченной КИ, безработным, лицам, оказавшимся в сложной ситуации. На сайте есть интересная онлайн-анкета, заполнив которую, можно узнать вероятность одобрения займа для каждого клиента.

Столичный центр кредитования

Столичный центр кредитования - относительно новый брокер на рынке, предлагает своим клиентам помощь в получении кредита на сумму от 100 тыс. до 50 млн руб. СЦК оказывает содействие в получении кредитов наличными, займов на развитие бизнеса, залоговых кредитов, ипотеки. Сотрудничает с крупными региональными банками и узкоспециализированными московскими фининститутами (Альфа-Банк, БЖФ, Уралсиб, ИТБ, РосЕвроБанк и др.)

Помощь брокера заключается в подборе нескольких программ, соответствующих условиям клиента и его КИ, анкетным данным; правильное заполнение документов, консультации на разных этапах, передача документов в банк.

Вознаграждение брокера варьируется в зависимости от сложности поставленной задачи и начинается с 1,5% от суммы кредита, но не менее 10 000 руб.


Проффинанс (proffinans) - финансовая группа, оказывающий консультационные услуги и помощь в получении займов разного рода:

  1. Коммерческая, жилая ипотека
  2. Кредиты для бизнеса
  3. Тендерное кредитование, банковские гарантии без залога
  4. Потребительские займы, автокредитование, ломбардные кредиты, залоговые и т.д.

Помимо этого Проффинанс оказывает помощь при лизинге, факторинге, выкупе проблемных активов, риэлтерских услугах, оценочно-страховых и т.д.

Премиум Финанс

Премиум Финанс один из самых старых игроков на рынке посреднических услуг, предлагает потенциальным заемщикам помощь в получении следующих кредитных продуктов:

  • Крупный потребкредит до 3-х млн руб.
  • Кредит для малого бизнеса без обеспечения и займы среднему-крупному бизнесу под обеспечение
  • Овердрафт, факторинг

Перечень не велик, но и его достаточно для удовлетворения потребностей своих заемщиков. Компания не работает с клиентами, имеющими плохую кредитную историю, закредитованными заемщиками, безработными. Специфика работы заключается в полном ведении сделки, от подбора оптимального кредита до получения заемщиком наличных. Оплата по факту одобрения заявки.

Служба содействия кредитованию (ССК)

ССК крупнейший федеральный брокер России с офисами в Москве, Екатеринбурге, Челябинске, Новосибирске, Омске и Красноярске. Брокер оказывает не только консультационные и посреднические услуги, но и сопровождает весь процесс оформления кредита (подбор вариантов, рекомендации по повышению статуса заемщика, обращение в банк, заполнение бумаг, сбор документов, передача их в банк).

Помощь через ССК можно получить при необходимости оформления потребительского займа, экспресс-кредита или кредита наличными, карты с лимитом. Также компания предоставляет услуги по проверке кредитной истории.

Кредитный центр